+34 648 09 8600 +57 300 Avenida del pardo 40, 28290, Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain
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About us

Who we are

A rising "StartUp" dedicated to:
  • Software modernization using Generative Artificial Intelligence.
  • enterprise architecture consulting.
  • smart architecture and construction.

Brief History

We've started! The path is made by walking. The next step is to collaborate with you

Our Mission

To offer cutting-edge solutions in technological modernization, centered on the use of artificial intelligence. We are dedicated to transforming businesses and spaces sustainably

Our Vision

To be a benchmark in the integration of artificial intelligence, business models, and architecture, driving a more efficient, connected, and sustainable world

Our Values

Why choose us

Multidisciplinary team committed to your success


Experts in ICT consulting and digital transformation


Generative Artificial Intelligence experts


Sustainability in our DNA


Fair prices


24x7 support


Our Services

Custom architecture solutions for your successful business.

BAU AI Services

A comprehensive service for companies looking to upgrade their current systems and applications, using the power of BAU AI Suite.

Tech Blueprint Strategies

At BPTIC, our vision is clear: artificial intelligence is the cornerstone of modern enterprise architecture. This is how we guide enterprises into the future.

TopSight Consulting

We specialize in integrating SAP and Salesforce solutions at the core of operations, transforming processes and boosting each client's performance. With strategic vision and innovative approach, we guide companies into the digital future.

SmartBuild Solutions

Our vision is to be leaders in transforming conventional spaces into intelligent environments that adapt and respond to human needs through artificial intelligence.

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+012 345 6789

Our products

Modernization is a necessity. Doing it with Artificial Intelligence is the future. Let's embark on this journey together

What is BAU AI Suite?

BAU AI Suite represents the state-of-the-art in software modernization tools. Designed to transcend the traditional capabilities of the Yeoman module, this innovative solution optimizes processes and adapts them to the changing demands of the technological world. One of its highlights is its extended compatibility, including leading frameworks such as those from Microsoft, ensuring that companies can keep up with the latest trends and industry standards. BAU AI Suite is more than a tool; it is a strategic ally for those seeking an efficient and effective digital transformation.

Who needs BAU AI Suite

"Companies with legacy systems from any industry or business with: Technological obsolescence Technological Limitations High Maintenance Costs Security Incompatibility with New Standards Integration Difficulties Operational Inefficiency."


"Technological Adaptability Cost Reduction Improved Security Standards Compliance Simplified Integration Process Optimization Improved User Experience Maintain and enhance the knowledge and investments made in the software."

Principales características

"Efficiency: Being a 95% automated process, we guarantee speed and a drastic cost reduction. Quality: We generate a clean, maintainable code that preserves the essence of your business."

How it works

"Analysis of the current source code. Interpretation and transformation with ANTLR Generation of modern code with Generative AI or Scalfolding techniques. Validation and final adjustments Deployment in Cloud or On-Premise."

Test me

Upload a couple of simple or complex forms and we'll give you the level of complexity and the percentage of automation.

How we do it

Methodologies and Certifications that will improve the efficiency and quality of the services offered by BPTIC.

Best practices for BAU AI Suite

A good product starts with a good methodology and a team trained in it.

"Our Methodology"

Agile and Scrum: For iterative and adaptive development. It favors flexibility and fast delivery of functionalities.

"Upcoming certifications"

PMP® (Project Management Professional) certification: Useful for managing software development projects.
Agile and Scrum certifications: Such as Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM) to demonstrate competence in the application of agile practices.

Whole BPTIC Team

Committed to quality, innovation and efficiency in processes and solutions.

"Our Methodology"

BP Methodology: Our methodology implemented in all our services.

"Upcoming certifications"

ISO 9001: Quality management certification for all the service areas we provide.
ISO/IEC 20000-1: IT service management, relevant to all the technological services we offer.
Agile PM, for effective project management in all our areas.

Best practices for BAU AI Services

Modernizing applications requires all the guarantees that your and our expertise prevails.

"Our Methodology"

DevOps: Continuous integration and delivery to improve collaboration between development and operations.

"Upcoming certifications"

DevOps certifications: Such as DevOps Foundation to demonstrate skills in this methodology.
ISO/IEC 27001: Information security certification, crucial for migration and modernization of sensitive systems.

Best practices for Tech Blueprint Strategies

Coordinating business strategy with information technology requires the use of best practices from start to finish.

"Our Methodology"

TOGAF® (The Open Group Architecture Framework): Standardizes approaches to enterprise architecture.

"Upcoming certifications"

TOGAF® Certification: Demonstrates advanced knowledge in enterprise architecture.
Certification in Business Analysis - CBAP: Useful for the analysis and design of business strategies.

Best practices for TopSight Consulting

Automate, standardize, simplify: A good methodology!

"Our Methodology"

SAP Activate for efficient implementations.

"Upcoming certifications"

SAP specific certification: Demonstrate specialized skills and knowledge in these platforms.
Salesforce specific certification: Demonstrate specialized skills and knowledge in these platforms.

Best practices for Tech SmartBuild Solutions

Intelligent architecture and construction is based in large part on best practices and lessons learned.

"Our Methodology"

BIM (Building Information Modeling): For efficient planning and design in construction projects.

"Upcoming certifications"

BIM Certifications: As Autodesk Certified Professional in BIM.
Sustainability Certification: LEED for sustainable construction projects.
Sustainability Certification: BREEAM for sustainable construction projects.
Your business as usual with artificial intelligence

Discover the Power of Generative AI with just one Click.

Instant Response: Experience the efficiency of BAU AI Suite with fast response times that accelerate your modernization process.

Single Form for Transformation: Start your path to innovation by filling out a single form. Simple, fast and effective.

Real-Time Code Generation: See how BAU AI Suite transforms your online applications, offering practical solutions tailored to your needs.

Challenge Generative AI: Challenge the capabilities of our technology and discover innovative and customized solutions that exceed your expectations.

BAU AI Calculator

BAU Engagement: We keep your business running as usual while taking it to the next level with artificial intelligence.


What Our Clients Say About Our Digital Services

Team Members

Professional Stuffs Ready to Help Your Business

Alejandro Jimenez Parra

Head of TopSight Consulting

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Andres Felipe Chamorro Segura

Head of Backoffice

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Maria Camila Chamorro Segura

Head of SmartBuild Solutions

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Arturo Chamorro Gómez

CEO - General Manager

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Lastest Best Practices

Read The Latest Articles from Our Best Practices Post

John Doe 2024-03-28T23:00:00.000Z

Introducción a ANTLR: Creando Lenguajes de Programación

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John Doe

ANTLR en Acción: Casos de Uso Reales

Presenta casos de estudio o ejemplos reales donde ANTLR ha sido utilizado para desarrollar lenguajes específicos o resolver problemas complejos de procesamiento de lenguajes.

Puntos Clave:

Ejemplos de proyectos que usan ANTLR.

Beneficios y desafíos en el uso de ANTLR.

Cómo ANTLR se integra en el desarrollo de software moderno.

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John Doe

IA Generativa en el Desarrollo de Software: Cambiando el Juego

Profundiza en cómo la IA Generativa está transformando el desarrollo de software, desde la generación de código hasta las pruebas automatizadas.

Puntos Clave:

Uso de la IA Generativa para la generación automática de código.

Casos prácticos y beneficios en el desarrollo de software.

Desafíos y consideraciones éticas.

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John Doe

Mejores Prácticas en el Uso de ANTLR y la IA Generativa

Ofrece una guía de mejores prácticas para los desarrolladores interesados en utilizar ANTLR y la IA Generativa en sus proyectos.

Puntos Clave:

Consejos para una implementación exitosa.

Errores comunes a evitar.

Recursos y herramientas recomendadas.

Cada uno de estos artículos puede ser enriquecido con ejemplos prácticos, infografías, tutoriales en video o entrevistas con expertos en el campo, para hacerlos más atractivos y educativos para tu audiencia.

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John Doe

Fundamentos de la IA Generativa: Una Visión General

Explora qué es la IA Generativa, cómo funciona y sus aplicaciones.

Puntos Clave:

Definición y explicación de la IA Generativa.

Ejemplos de IA Generativa en acción (como GANs - Redes Generativas Antagónicas).

Impacto potencial de la IA Generativa en diferentes industrias.

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John Doe

Integrando ANTLR y IA Generativa: Una Nueva Frontera en la Programación

Discute cómo la combinación de ANTLR y la IA Generativa puede ofrecer soluciones innovadoras en la creación y análisis de lenguajes de programación.

Puntos Clave:

Potencial de la integración de ANTLR con la IA Generativa.

Ejemplos hipotéticos o teóricos de aplicaciones.

Perspectivas futuras de esta integración.

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